In BCWA, club registration is completely optional, but with registration comes benefits! The initial cost to register your club is $100/year. Returning clubs who do not re-register by the posted due date in subsequent years will be charged $150.
Being a registered club with BCWA provides ongoing benefits! Clubs get access to the following:
1) Equipment Grants- Clubs may apply for grant by emailing the BCWA at to request an application form. Approval is based on funds available and the specific details of each application.
2) Hosting opportunities for BCWA Sanction Events (email for hosting options)
3) Coverage under BCWA's liability insurance policy (found in the documents area on our site)
4) Equipment loans for events and competition hosting.
5) Visibility on our website listings and referrals from the board of directors for inquiring new athletes.
Club registration also allows your club to win Team trophies for BEST TEAM (4 males + 4 Females - IWF Points System- max 2 athletes per weight class) at competitions, and bragging rights!
To see if your club is currently registered, please visit our club list on our website found on the club listings If you aren't on the list, register below or contact to find out more!
Renewal of club registration takes place in December of each calendar year, please make sure you renew your club to maintain these benefits.