Resources & Information for Parents & Volunteers

Got questions about our sport and if it’s safe for kids? Perhaps want to host a meet. This section will provide you all the answers you need.

What is Weightlifting?

What is Weightlifting? Information

The sport of weightlifting consists of two lifts: The snatch and the clean and jerk. Weightlifting is often referred to as “Olympic lifting” or “Olympic style weightlifting”. The snatch is a wide-grip, one-move lift. The clean and jerk is a close-grip, two-move lift. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Weightlifting is not the same as the sport of Powerlifting or the sport of Bodybuilding however training elements may be used from those sports to improve an individual’s weaknesses.

Is it safe for kids?

Is it safe for kids? Information

It’s important for parents to understand that training for the sport of weightlifting is 100% safe for kids to learn and participate in regularly. There is no evidence that suggests that training weightlifting will stunt a child's growth or make them bulky. There are however many studies that suggest that when children learn proper execution of lifting technique from experienced and certified coaches and they consistently participate in an appropriately designed strength training program, the positive benefits far outweigh any potential for injury. In addition, the many studies have reported lower injury rates in weight training sports (which include weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding) in comparison to common team sports such as hockey, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and football.

Youth / Junior Weightlifting Clubs

Youth / Junior Weightlifting Clubs Information

At BCWA, we have a number of registered clubs that have dedicated youth and junior weightlifting programs that are coached by experienced and certified weightlifting coaches. We can’t stress enough how important it is for your child to learn how to execute proper weightlifting technique and training principles from the beginning. Training under the guidance of an experienced and certified weightlifting coach will provide your child incredible physical and mental benefits for as long as they continue to train.

Hosting a Meet

Hosting a Meet Information

At BCWA, we offer various Interclub competitions, sanctioned open meets, provincial level meets, and national level competitions that athletes can compete in and qualify for throughout the calendar year. These events can not happen without dedicated volunteers and hosts. If you’d like to volunteer or host a particular BCWA sanctioned meet, please contact us directly for more information.

Upcoming Events

BC Weightlifting Association hosts multiple events each year for athletes, coaches and officials. Please refer to the list below for more information on upcoming workshops, sanctioned competitions, club events and courses.

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