The External Sport Credentials Program (ESCP) gives students the opportunity to earn graduation credits for approved levels of competition as an athlete, coach and/or official.

Students can obtain External Sport Credits in these categories: Athlete (10, 11, 12) / Coach (11, 12) / Official (10, 11, 12)

The Ministry of Education is responsible for the External Credentials program and the Sport Credits Portion of this program is administered and monitored by the Sport and Recreation Branch of the Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport.

To see which sports are involved in the program, eligibility standards and for more information see the Ministry of Education’s website. Select “Course Information for the Graduation Program” and go to Chapter 3: External Sport Course Information.

  • Students do not have to be in a specific grade to receive that grade’s credit. For example, a grade 10 student who is competing on a provincial team going to a national championship will receive credit for Athlete 12. Likewise, a grade 11 student who competed in the BC Games while he/she was in grade seven will receive credit for Athlete 10.
  • Students who have participated in approved programs before they reach grade 10 can receive credit for their past participation by obtaining written documentation to verify their participation.
  • Once a student has received credit for a particular level within the athlete, official or coach categories, he or she cannot receive additional credits for duplicate participation.
How to Earn Credits
  • Check to see if your course/program is approved to receive credit in the External Sport Credentials Program.
  • Obtain written documentation from your provincial or national sport organization of your participation in the eligible sport program.
  • When requesting a letter from BCWA to verify the level of Athlete and Official, please provide all necessary contact information (School Name, School Address, Counselor’s Name etc,)
  • Provide the documentation to your school counselor.

Athlete 10: Qualified for Provincial Senior Championships

Athlete 11: BC Team - Junior Canadian Championships, BC Team - Western Canadian Championships

Athlete 12: BC Team - Canadian Senior Championships, Canadian Team Member

Official 10: Provincial Category #5

Official 11: Provincial Category #4

Official 12: National Category #3

COACH Standards – UXSC 11 and 12

The following Coach standard’s table outlines the requirements that must be met to receive External Sport Credentials in the Coach category. As coach certification is a national based program, provincial sport organizations do not have to submit applications for coach programs. Student coaches who have completed all requirements of a coach category must send their proof of completion (as listed above) to the Sport and Recreation Branch. The Sport and Recreation Branch representative will review the submitted documentation for the particular coach level and issue a verification letter if the student has fulfilled all the requirements.

  Coach 10 Coach 11 UXSC 11 (2 credits) Coach 12 UXSC 12 (4 credits)
NCCP Community Sport or Level 1 TECHNICAL No program available for credit x
NCCP Introduction to Competition Part A modules or NCCP Level 1 THEORY X X
Evaluated in NCCP multi-sport modules - Making Ethical Decisions X
SportsAid X
Athletic Taping X
Min. # of coaching hours 30 70

UXSC 11 (4 credits): NCCP Introduction to Competition – Part A modules, EFA/CPR “C”, plus 30 hours of coaching experience.

UXSC 12 (4 credits): NCCP Community Sport, NCCP Introduction to Competition – Part A modules, evaluated in NCCP multi-sport modules, CPR "C", SportMedBC SportsAid and Athletic Taping, plus 70 hours of coaching experience.

National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)

The Sport Branch, in partnership with the Coaches Association of BC (CABC) and provincial sport organizations offer the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) on a province wide basis. This is a national program of coach education. Certificates of TRAINED or CERTIFIED status are provided upon successful completion of multi-sport generic or sport specific modules, or when requirements of CERTIFICATION have been met. These certificates are provided by the CABC, Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) or national sport organizations. The certificate identifies the name and address of the successful student, the date, and the modules or streams they have been trained or certified in.

EFA/CPR ‘C’ (Basic Rescuer)

Emergency First Aid/CPR C (Basic Rescuer) training for general public interest or work courses are offered through a variety of agencies across the province. Examples of such agencies are Red Cross, Life Saving Society and St. John Ambulance.

NCCP Making Ethical Decisions Evaluation

The online NCCP Making Ethical Decisions Evaluation can be found here

SportMedBC SportsAid and Athletic Taping

SportMedBC (SMBC) offers SportsAid, a sport injury prevention and first aid program. This program is designed to provide students involved with sport teams with knowledge of the principles of prevention and management of sport injuries. SportMedBC will issue the student SportsAid “letters or certificates of completion” upon successful completion of: SportsAid and Athletic Taping. This letter, which is recognized both provincially and nationally, will include SMBC logo, the student’s name and date of completion. The SportsAid program is available on-line at If the SportMedBC Athletic Taping program is not available in the community then please contact SportMedBC to arrange programming alternatives.

Practical Experience

Practical coaching experience verification requires sign off by a NCCP certified coach, a provincial sport organization designate, or coach evaluator. The verification letter must include; name of the student, number of practical coaching hours, team or athletes coached, level of participation, name of authorizing coach including NCCP CC number (if applicable), and date of completion. The practical coaching experience must be in the same sport as the trained or certified accreditation.

Upcoming Events

BC Weightlifting Association hosts multiple events each year for athletes, coaches and officials. Please refer to the list below for more information on upcoming workshops, sanctioned competitions, club events and courses.

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