Becoming a Member
Becoming a member of the B.C. Weightlifting Association is an easy process. It is required to be a member to participate in any competitions, if you are an Official or if you're just coaching an athlete. The online registration process is here to simplify and streamline the process. For an athlete's result to appear on the rankings, they must be a paid up member in good standing.
Membership Pricing:
Youth (U12) - $35
Youth/Junior (U20) - $40
Senior (U29)/Masters (30+) - $75
Coach - $50
Steps to being Registered with BCWA
BCWA is pleased to offer both Online and Offline Registration for Athletes. For Online Registration, please click the online registration link below. All members are subject to all BCWA policies and any amendments or updates. Due to funding, liability, and policy structure, all members must be able to provide proof of BC residency if requested or apply for an exemption with the BCWA Board; exemption application is the responsibility of the member. You will be re-directed to our Registration Platform, where you will need to follow these steps.
You will have the option to create an individual or family membership *
Register your profile
Add your contact info and profile details.
Complete Waiver and Payment
Complete your registration process.
BC Weightlifting Members Are Entitled to the Following Benefits:
- Access to participate in all Local, Regional sanctioned Weightlifting events
- Weightlifting Coaching Certification Courses
- Free Anti-Doping and SafeSport Education
- Pacific Sport carding for those meeting the National standard
- Eligible for:
- Provincial Ranking
- Provincial Records
- Members Only Camps
- National & International Team Coaching opportunities
- Compete for a BC Weightlifting Sanctioned Clubs
- Awards recognition
- Nomination and elected committees
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Training opportunities with certified coaches and club teams
- Voting privileges at General Meetings
- Automatic distribution of Newsletters and notifications
- General Liability Insurance coverage for paid up members and clubs
Family Memberships *
BCWA Is pleased to offer family members who live in the same household to share a membership. This allows the kids and the parents to save some money. If you are wanting to sign up the whole family, everyone you want to sign up must have an individual account, then you can email us and let us know who is part of the family account. Once you purchase the Family Membership, we will associate it with all of your family members.
After you have completed your registration, you can log in to your account to view your registration status, make updates to your profile, and more. If you have any questions about your membership, please email us at
Club Registration
To register your club, please click on the link below: